On 22nd February, we were thrilled to launch our community food pantry! The pantry will run alongside our already existing foodbank service, which runs from our Hub in the heart of Northfield.
Rebecca Debenham, CEO of Northfield Community Partnership said “we're really excited to be able to bring this new community initiative to the heart of Northfield. The pantry will provide opportunities for the whole of the community to have more choice and access to services which can provide ongoing support if needed. We're really grateful to the Shared Prosperity Funding for supporting this initiative.”
The pantry will be open every Thursday, 10am - 2pm. It will conveniently be situated in Northfield Arts Forum, in Northfield Shopping Centre.
A member of staff from each of our projects will be present each week, offering services and advice. As well as external organisations!
Future Proof - building a brighter future for residents aged 50+ in the Northfield Constituency.
Digital Literacy - enhancing the digital skills of citizens within the Northfield constituency.
Early Help - working in partnership with Birmingham Children's Partnership to support all families in the Northfield constituency.
Household Support Fund - you may be able to get help with essential costs from your local council.
Northfield Neighbourhood Network Scheme - strengthening and connecting communities for adults across Northfield.
Clouds Ends CIC - offering hoarding advice.
Housing & Welfare - offering advice and guidance.
Our team will be available to talk to, regardless of whether you choose to sign up for our pantry or not. Northfield Arts Forum will be hosting arts and crafts activities every Thursday for you to enjoy and participate in! 🎨
Thank you to the organisations who popped by to support the launch. 💚
We'd like to say a huge thank you to our amazing pantry volunteers!
