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Tackle Isolation in your Community by Becoming a Bridge Builder


Updated: May 30, 2024

We've launched a brand new project helping socially isolated adults aged 18-49 in the Northfield area, through befriending, to build confidence, positive wellbeing and self-esteem.

What is Bridgebuilders?

Bridge Builders is a new project from Northfield Community Partnership, offering befriending support for socially isolated younger adults (aged 18-49) in the Northfield, Weoley Castle, Frankley, Kings Norton, West Heath & Longbridge area.

It’s about bringing HOPE and its about the community helping the community. We are inviting local people to become volunteer befrienders.

Why Bridgebuilders?

Post COVID there are lots of younger adults who are isolated, rarely leaving the house and experiencing poor mental health. We believe one-to-one befriending can help people grow in confidence, recover and take positive steps forward.

Who can be a Bridgebuilder?

Anyone who wants to help a socially isolated younger adult to regain confidence and get out and about again.

We are looking for volunteers of any age from 18+ who have room in their life for a new friend, and who have confidence and compassion to build a friendship with a new person.

How do you become a Bridgebuilder?

Contact 07943960106 for an application pack.

Northfield Community Partnership will provide training, insurance, volunteer expenses and ongoing support for you in your volunteering role.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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